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Today was my first foray into the Paper Doll Project, hosted by the wonderful Suze. I was matched with Heather from Embracing your inner cupcake, and I must say, I love what she came up with!

Color block!

I’ve had these pink heels for well over a year, but I’ve only worn them once. I knew they would be good shoes to go out to a bar, but I rarely do that and I have even better black heels for that. Normally, ill-used items in my closet get donated, but I couldn’t give up on these shoes. I just needed to figure out a way to wear them. Therefore, I knew the perfect item to challenge Heather with.

Pretty buuut...

Heather came up with a great outfit! She knew that I tend to gravitate towards neutrals or basics, but have been trying to incorporate more color into my wardrobe, so she color blocked me.

The entire outfit was thrifted, so I’m not even going to bother trying to find pieces online. I still love you all! 🙂 Check out the outfit that I put together for Heather. She MADE that skirt! Talent!!

Boyfriend took the pictures. Then yelled at me for trying to delete pictures like this:

He gave me an axe and told me to improvise.

Boyfriend approved of the outfit, so I spared him.

Thanks to the ever lovely Kate, I’m participating in today’s Everybody, Everywear monthly crossposting – this month they’re featuring florals. I’ve been hoping to get my hands on a decent floral top this year, but I haven’t managed to find anything yet. I’m just pleased I found a few cardigans when I went thrifting this weekend, so I can’t really complain. I put this outfit together, and then I remembered that I wore a really cute outfit on Sunday that had a floral skirt, and then I remembered that it’s dirty and the skirt isn’t work appropriate…so here you go!

Apologies for the poor photo - busy night meant no pictures until 8:30!

See everybody else’s floral everywear here!

Florals | Everybody, Everywear

It’s been at least four years since I’ve really cut my hair. I’ve gotten plenty of trims in that time, but really, nothing more than a couple of inches at most. This was my hair a couple of weeks ago, long and wet and long again.

Today, I finally decided to go for it – I got a real haircut. Something had to change, dear readers, and it ended up being the hair. For now.

So now I’m…

I full-sized this bitch. Maximum effect!

Ta-dah! Check out the necklace. See why today’s post was titled “Owl get a haircut”? Ha! I’m so clever. 🙂

Yeah, yeah, I'm sizing down now.

I also took pictures on the roof for the first time. Sadly, they didn’t turn out. I’m sure my neighbors were amused, though.

I'm going to sound so hipster when I say this, but I bought that owl necklace online before it got popular. Seriously!

Nothing boosts confidence like a new 'do.

Shirt: Oscar de la Renta camisole, Sam’s Club
Jeans: Silver Jeans Suki jeans, Maurices
Shoes: Pink ballet flats, Payless – similar
Necklace: Owl, overseas-but-now-available-everywhere-like-Amazon (really, not a hipster!)

Last week, I posted a challenge to myself to wear a bright color every day for a week. Right off the bat, I must apologize for not posting my outfits over the last three days – I caught a nasty cold and barely made it to work, much less accomplished anything productive. I promise you that I did wear bright colors each of those days, however – a fuchsia shirt on Sunday, this shirt in bright blue from Victoria’s Secret on Monday, and a bright blue business tank top from Old Navy on Tuesday. Here’s a wrap-up from the rest of the week:

Wednesday's kick-off splash of color

Thursday's green

Friday's bright red and blazer combo

And Saturday's post on the porch

Moral of the story? I need to update my closet with brighter clothes and accessories!

Today’s splash of color wasn’t too difficult to create – I have more colorful casual clothes than I do business casual clothes. Sadly, this pair of pants ripped today, and since I’ve had to get them fixed once already, it was time to bid farewell. Thank you for all the days at work, pants. I love the shirt, though – it was an amazing thrift store find. Today was overcast, but the lighting somehow worked better for these pictures.

Yay lighting!

White and red flower shirt, thrifted
Black pants, thrifted – similar
Black ballet flats, Target – similar

The patio is my new favorite place to take pictures.

Boyfriend snapped a great picture of my shoes.

Farewell, good pants.

I learned my lesson from yesterday and planned my outfit ahead of time today to get my splash of color in. Good job, me. I decided to try rocking the blazer and jeans look for the first time today and I think it was pretty successful! Thankfully my boyfriend was able to take pictures of me today, so they’re not my standard iffy pictures. He also likes to shoot pictures off the cuff, so he doesn’t let me know when he’s taking them, which makes for some interesting pictures.

Sorry these pictures are off in color. My camera doesn't like...anything, apparently.

Black blazer, Walmart – similar
Red short-sleeve top, can’t remember
Jeans, thrifted
Black heels, Target – similar
Sultry necklace, Lia Sophia

The one thing that I would have changed would be the jeans – I went through a lot of bad pictures because the jeans just don’t work well with this top. Lesson learned. I’m actually not wearing this anymore – I changed once I got off work – but I’m still wearing a shirt with red, don’t worry!

Apologies for the brightness - it's overcast, too - but look! outdoor photo!

My boyfriend was having fun taking weird pictures.

Yay outdoors!

Already this splash of color challenge has stumped me. I woke up late this morning, but that didn’t stop me from standing in my closet for a good ten minutes, frantically trying to figure out what to wear. Why didn’t I choose an outfit last night, you ask? Well, I had an idea in my head that I could wear this purple scarf today, but I didn’t think to match it with an outfit, and of course I struggled to find an outfit that would work with this particular scarf. I don’t have another bright scarf I could wear. I don’t have colorful hair accessories. I don’t even have colorful tights. The moral of the story? I really need to buy some clothes with bright colors!

After much frustration and many angry looks at the clock, I finally glanced upon the necklace that is showcasing my splash of color for the day. To be honest, I won this necklace as a prize at a jewelry party and it’s not really my style. It suited my needs perfectly today, however, and I’m warming up to it. I’ve managed to curb my irritated mood and salvage my day, so it worked out! And don’t worry, I already have tomorrow’s outfit planned.

Again, I apologize for the poor lighting.

White camisole, Oscar de la Renta – sold at Sam’s Club
Brown short-sleeve cardigan, Target – similar
Brown cropped pants, New York & Company – similar
Brown heels, Target – similar
Lia Sophia retired necklace

Also, what you can’t see well here is that I’m wearing new lipstick! My Mary Kay order came in last night, so I spent a good portion of time testing out my new products, especially the lipstick as I decided to foray into darker colors. I absolutely love the combination I’m wearing today – Shell lipstick with Berry Sparkle lip gloss.

This is my don't-do-the-same-pose-as-always pose

Up close and personal.

There's your damn splash of color. 🙂

I know – I haven’t done an outfit post in forever. To be honest, I find them harder to do than my standard posts because I really struggle to find similar items (since mine are rarely new enough to be online or are thrifted). I actually created this outfit around wanting to wear a scarf. I have difficulty pairing scarves with outfits for some reason, so I’m trying to incorporate them into my wardrobe more. Here’s what I came up with.

I love you, pants!

White mock turtleneck, Old Navy
Gold scarf, Target? – similar
Brown pants, New York & Co. – similar
Brown heels, Target – similar
Bracelet, family jewelry

I haven’t worn these pants in a long time because of dreadful winter, but I knew they would match well with the rest of the outfit, so I decided to put them on this morning. I forgot how much I LOVE these pants! They are incredibly comfortable, they hug all the right curves, and they cut off at the perfect spot on the leg. There’s a couple of spots where my stomach sticks out a little, but overall, they’re a great pair of pants. Plus, I got to wear a scarf!

Kind of wish I'd had a better shirt.


Stupid camera wouldn't take a decent picture.

I apologize that I haven’t posted any outfit posts in a while. Sadly, I wore some fantastic outfits this week that I loved, but I didn’t have a camera over the weekend in Winona and yesterday I was at speech sections until super late. I managed to get a photo shoot in today, however, before I went out for the night.

Work wasn’t bad today. I honestly spent most of the day raging over the looming federal shutdown (I won’t get into it on here – they’re on my Twitter feed) and writing random blog posts (4 in one day. I realize it’s a bit much.). After work, though, I met up with one of my best friends and had a FANTASTIC night! I found out that I got $100 off on my VS secret rewards card, so I scored a new bra and perfume. Then I checked out Gordman’s for the first time, where I picked up a gorgeous new purse (which I NEVER do), a headband, and a kitty toy. Overall, I spent $40 for everything! Then we went to dinner and had some good chats about serious stuff. Tonight = major win. Anyway, onto the outfit!

Note: Neither of these photos show the true color of the kelly green, so I apologize.


The color is much less bold than the kelly green actually is.

Blue cardigan, Target?
Kelly green Bitten shirt, thrifted – similar
Jeans, thrifted
Green polka dot heels, Payless
Sultry necklace, Lia Sophia

This also doesn't show the true kelly color.

This was my final hurrah with these shoes - I'm donating them.

Random picture of kitty!

I don’t know where the subject title came from, but it works. I actually found this outfit during my closet shopping this weekend and I fell in love with it. It was a way to use a skirt that I love, a blue button-down staple, and a sleeveless top that I struggle to use. Top it off with tights and some sparkly jewelry – voila!

It's hard to see the sparkly, but it's there!

Light blue button-down shirt, thrifted – similar
Black sleeveless shirt, thrifted? gift?
Black pinstripe miniskirt, thrifted?
Black tights, Walmart – similar
Black pumps, Target – similar
Sultry necklace, Lia Sophia
Hypnotic bracelet, Lia Sophia

I promise I own jewelry that’s not Lia Sophia – it just adds a perfect flair to my outfits. Sorry that I didn’t link to all of the items – I gave up while looking for the sleeveless shirt.


I LOVE this bracelet.

This picture just makes me laugh.

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